The Long Arc of the Moral Universe

One of their planned themes for this year’s annual event was Racial Justice and they were looking for videos to show. I was the lone woman of color in the room, compelled to speak into the silence that I felt was waiting for me, breaking one of my own rules about participating at such events. I suggested a video from Crac king the Codes: TheSystem of Racial Inequity a World Trust documentary by Shakti Butler. One of the stories in this documentary is told by Dr. Joy DeGruy, a renowned researcher, educator, and author who does lectures, workshops, and seminars related to her two decades of field experience in social work. I’ve used the clip, “At the Grocery Store,” as an example of profiling and white privilege. It also has an answer for white women who always wonder what they can do about the overwhelming issues related to racial injustice. I thought it met their criteria: a short video that addresses women where they are, where they live. The clip is jus...