The Most Segregated Hour: Context Matters

“I think it is one of the tragedies of our nation, one of the shameful tragedies, that eleven o’clock on Sunday morning is one of the most segregated hours, if not the most segregated hours, in Christian America” (Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.). I’ve heard several versions of this quote attributed to Martin Luther King over the years and because there were so many variations, I decided to research the exact wording as well as the source of this quote. What prompted King to utter this sentence? What was the context? Was it written like “Letter from Birmingham Jail” or “Why We Can’t Wait,” or was it a speech like his famous “I Have a Dream” or “Mountaintop” speeches? Something else? In my mini-research, I learned that in 1968 on the Dick Cavett Show, James Baldwin attributes at least part of the “segregated hour” quote to Malcolm X: I know as Malcolm X once put it: “the most segregated hour in American...