Beer and Bible: Is That Old Time Religion Good Enough?

Give me that old time religion, Give me that old time religion, Give me that old time religion, It's good enough for me. It was good for Paul and Silas, It was good for Paul and Silas, It was good for Paul and Silas, It's good enough for me “Old Time Religion” (African American Spiritual, Public Domain) Beer and Bible is a small bible study group at our church – about a dozen or so attendees has been our max number so far. B&B meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm to discuss selected scripture we’ve read on our own since the last gathering. Before the COVID Era (BCE), we met at Merlin’s Pub, a couple of blocks from our church, to drink a beverage of our choice, ranging from beer to wine to water. Not everyone likes beer. Some of us also enjoyed fish and chips with our drinks while some sampled other pub foods from the menu while others mooched off other people’s plates. It’s a fun fellowship with a great deal of laughter and learnin...